Booking an appointment
Book an appointment here for online counselling. If you are located in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, in-person counselling is also available.
15 min
1 hr
23 British pounds1 hr
30 British pounds- ОнлайнДэлгэрэнгүй
(Жирэмсэн эсвэл 0-1 насны хүүхэдтэй ээжүүдэд хөнгөлөлт хамаарна) ₮135.000 | $40 | £30
1 hr
30 British pounds 1 hr
40 British pounds
Step by step
Select your
counselling service or package
1. Child counselling (10-13)
2. Teen counselling (14-17)
3. Adult counselling (18-аас дээш)
You can book a single session or choose from our
counselling packages.
Confirm your booking with online payment
1. Choose the time that is the most convenient for you.
2. Pay online to confirm your booking.
Meet your counsellor in the comfort of your home
1. Once your booking is confirmed, an automatic email containing the meeting link will be sent to you.
2. Click on the link, and you can get the help you want, no matter where you are.